Build your Reminest

Capture your family's story in a book

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How it works


We send your family prompts
on the Reminest App
or on WhatsApp
Reminest notificationReminest card, Who did you look up to growing up?


Family members hit record to
share your video story


We transcribe your memories
into a personalized book

Our Books

We send you a list of prompts to chose from based on what book you are trying to make. Your prompts can be sent weekly (for 12 weeks), daily (12 days) or all at once.

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The perfect family heirloom.

Example chapters include: Growing Up Stories, Memories Together, Milestones and Celebrations, and Lessons and Advice

Family Onboarding

The perfect gift for newlyweds.

Example chapters include: Meet the Family, Growing Up Stories, Family Adventures, Lessons and Advice

Personal Tribute Book

The ultimate gift for a loved one.

Example chapters include: Childhood Memories, Why We Are Grateful for You, Humor and Joy, and Things We Wish We Said More

Year in

Capture this year's memories.

Example chapter include: Family Adventures, Growth and Changes, Everyday Moments, Reflections and Aspirations

What comes with your purchase?


  • 12 story prompts on the Reminest App (iOS) or via WhatsApp
  • 1 full-color interior hardcover book
  • Unlimited design and Text edits
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I feel more connected with my father than ever.

Starting this project with my family for my Dad's 60th birthday has been incredible. There are so many stories I'd never heard before, so having them preserved has been so important to me and my sister.

Richard Pan 26

We did so much this year! I didn't even realise!

My family lives across North America (Edmonton Toronto and Austin) and when we gathered for the holidays this year, we had this book to look forward to.

It's so nice to see what everyone's gotten up to this year! I'm excited to use this year after year.

James Kumar 21

My family got this for my husband to welcome him to the family!

We decided to compile the highlights of our family story and presented it to him at our engagement party. He absolutely loved it!

Ella McLaud 31
Build your Reminest

your family's story, today

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